Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yes, I am going to turn that assignment in late.

 Those who have spent any time with me academically or professionally or more than a smidgen of time with me personally know that I like to do things as perfectly, precisely, concisely, and comprehensively as possible. Work project to do? I’d like to have it done before expected, better than it’s ever been done before, and having added a little extra zsa zsa zing. Homework assignment? I may procrastinate before getting it started, but I think that’s more about the thrill of getting it completed on time and well  when it’s “down to the wire.” Which I will - 99.9% of the time - barring a major life event that prevents my completing it on time…

…until this week.

I worked my first entire weekend on third shift at the hotel this weekend. It was a bit hectic, but overall great! I had a few strange incidents, but in the end everything worked out smoothly and I felt accomplished and excited to continue next weekend. However, by Sunday afternoon I was so exhausted that I felt I couldn’t stand upright. I knew I had a paper that wasn’t completed for one of my classes and some research notes that needed to be turned in for another, but I also knew that trying to complete both perfectly in the shape I was in would be improbable at best. So I made an executive decision, and decided to put one off.

For the very first time in the history of my scholarship, I chose to just not turn in an assignment on time. No one suffered a traumatic brain injury and I did not have a violent illness – I just wanted to sleep and chose to do so. It was strange for me, knowing that I wasn’t making the absolute best choice for my schooling. I believed at the time, however, that I was making the best choice for me as a whole. I think I still believe that.

I considered my options, of course. I could do the assignment and probably do it well enough to get an “A” if not the 100% I craved. I would be a zombie by the time I completed it, but I would still be able to get a good night’s rest and hold my head up high for having taken down the obstacle before me. Or, I could not do the assignment, feel crappy about it, but snuggle up in my bed and watch an episode of Friends before falling asleep at 2:00 pm and waking up with enough time to revise my paper and submit it for the other class. Friends and blankets won out, and I woke up with exactly enough time to have one of my two assignments completed and submitted.

The late assignment got turned in last night. It will be about a 10% reduction in my grade. I can’t say that I am happy about that, although I know that losing 10% off of one assignment in a class of 30 assignments shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I also know that to most of my peers, my issue with turning in an assignment 24 hours later than scheduled seems like a petty thing to fret about. I recognize this, and I am actively working on learning to care less about the destination and more about the journey. I used to tell my clients to take small steps, and that’s what I am doing. I may not turn in another late assignment until next semester…or ever…but I did it once, and I’m choosing to be content with that decision. 

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